As soon as they had reached the lair, Xander felt Spike’s arms wrap around him, nimble fingers undoing each button even as a mouth nibbled the claim mark. Xander let himself lean back into the embrace and believe that he had found a place to belong.
“Trust me?” Spike asked even as the vampire stripped the shirt and began work on the pants.
“Always,” Xander agreed as he felt himself moved toward the end of the bed. Spike nipped his scar, and for one moment, he did actually forget Luther and Gunn, of course he also forgot to breathe and lost all of 10th grade there for a minute too, but it was a definite improvement over remembering. He felt his jeans pulled down pulled down to his ankles, and then hands positioned him on his knees at the end of the bed before disposing of the jeans all together.
“Stay,” Spike whispered and Xander knelt there, watching as Spike opened the cabinet and retrieved the leather restraints. The vampire leapt up on the bed and hooked the leather lead to the ceiling before dropping the wrist cuffs so that they dangled slightly above his head. Xander shivered as he realized what Spike planned. Spike knelt in front of him, pulling up his hands and locking his wrists into the leather straps before standing again and shortening the lead so that his hands were held comfortably above his head. Xander could feel himself breathing harder as he knelt with his feet off the bed and his knees supporting his weight as he pulled at the restraints. Spike walked to the edge of the bed and stepped down, just watching.
“Ya done yet?” Spike asked when he had finally decided that the straps weren’t going to pull loose. Of course he could stand up and undo the fastenings from the ceiling, but he doubted he’d have time before Spike stopped him. So he simply waited, his arms flexing slightly against the leash. “Stay,” Spike ordered again before leaving the room. Xander had just enough time to worry about how stupid he looked when Spike reappeared carrying a box.
“Goin’ to make you forget,” Spike promised as he opened the box, but Xander couldn’t see the contents. When Spike reappeared, he saw the black fabric and his eyes went wide. He trusted Spike with his life; he trusted Spike with his friends’ lives, but there was something primal in his brain that railed against the thought of being blindfolded. Spike must have heard his heart because a gentle hand ran down his side and around to his stomach.
“Goin’ to make you forget,” Spike repeated as he teased a nipple, and Xander felt himself buck, humping the air and yes, he found himself right back to the thought that he had to look like a fool. “Oi, you’re thinkin’ too much.” The black fabric closed in over his eyes before he had a chance to register a complaint.
“Hey, not so okay with the whole blindfold thing.”
“Do ya trust me?” asked that sexy, thick voice, and Xander had to answer with a slightly breathy “yes.”
“Who do ya belong to, pet?” came next, and Xander could hardly believe himself when he whispered, “you.”
“Time to let me make the pain go away,” Spike said, and Xander found himself willing to agree to anything when a talented hand reached down and fondled his balls, one at a time, even as a single slick finger slipped inside and firmly pressed his happy button. Xander humped the air again, and this time he didn’t care how foolish he looked. Spike’s fingers repeated the maneuver three or four times before disappearing, and he had to fight an urge to mewl in protest.
The next thing he felt was cool soft lengths of material rubbing over his back. When the sensation moved to his chest, Xander could smell the leather and feel the soft texture as strands slipped across his nipples. He hadn’t yet figured it out when the material disappeared and suddenly his back tingled and heated, and then it became abundantly clear what Spike held. The whip fell again, the soft strands momentarily stinging before the sensation reduced again to the same tingle and heat. Xander couldn’t resist thrusting his hips into thin air as the third strike hit, this time warming his butt and falling hard enough to leave him gasping. The fourth strike hit the back of his thighs, and Xander swallowed a scream, trying to gain some control.
“Go on, then, pet. Let it out,” Spike said softly, but his tone belied the strength of the fifth strike, a sensation something like coolness immediately followed by warmth that engulfed his right side. A small sob slipped out, but Xander found himself wishing he could beg for more even while feeling foolish for enjoying such pain. He could hear Spike walk away, and he bit his tongue to avoid the pleading words that struggled to come out of his mouth.
“Pet, tell me what you need,” Spike voice appeared in his ear.
“I…” Words failed him as he found himself unable to say it.
“Ya want to let go?” Spike asked, and he could only nod. “It’s okay to like it, pet.” Xander heard the words, but he couldn’t get over the thought of what Gunn would say. He knew Gunn couldn’t be part of his life any more, but the thought of the man’s disapproval wrung a small sob from his throat. “Let go, pet,” Spike counseled, but he fought to slow his breathing and bring his words back under control before he let them fall out into the world. He heard Spike sigh and a cool hand traced the pattern of heat on his back.
“Sometimes forget just how young ya are. Don’t really know how to let go, do ya?” Xander didn’t answer, not really sure what qualified as an answer and unable to judge Spike’s mood with the blindfold in place. Suddenly lips met lips, and Xander opened to Spike’s exploration, but before he could begin to truly enjoy the contact, Spike’s lips disappeared and something cold and cylindrical slipped into his mouth, pulling his lips back and pinning his tongue to beneath it’s cool, smooth surface. Xander tried to push it out, but he could feel the strap lock behind his head. He tried to curse, but his protests came out as moans and grunts without the use of tongue or lips.
The soft leather of Spike’s whip now returned, the material teasing his cock. For a moment, the whip stopped and he thrust against it, the leather strands falling around his cock like gentle fingers, and he could feel his need mounting. The whip moved, and before he had a chance to even stop thrusting toward it, a blow fell on his calves. Xander screamed into the gag, free to beg for more now that the intruding plastic distorted his words beyond meaning. The warmth spread upwards, joining the now fading warm from his thighs, and suddenly a flurry of strikes hit his back, the pain edging toward the unhappy side before settling down into a definite happy sort of tingly pain. And since when did pain have a happy side?
The answer was driven from his mind, along with everything else when the strikes moved to the front. The first hit took him just under the rib cage, and Xander screamed again when the fire encompassed the softer skin of his stomach. The next two hits were softer, each taking in his chest and a nipple. Xander now squirmed as he tried to push forward into the contact. He babbled fiercely, but the bit in his mouth destroyed the words, leaving him free to say whatever he wanted, no censure required.
When the whip strikes stopped, Xander complained into the gag, causing a series of grunts which ended when strong arms circled him from behind and a naked body slipped between the legs that stuck out past the end of the bed, forcing his knees apart. The hands slipped down and pressed against the inside of the thigh so that he spread even farther, until his inner thigh muscles complained and his arms stretched tight above him.
A strong, slick finger slipped up into him, and he let his arms carry his weight as he all but collapsed under the force of the desire building in him. A second finger joined the first, and now the two fingers twisted in unison, stretching him quickly enough to cause tremors of pain up his back, but still definitely on the good end of that newly found scale. Just as the third finger joined the other two, sharp fangs slipped into his hip, bringing two points of fire. Helpless to do anything other than scream nonsense and writhe, he screamed nonsense and writhed with everything he had. Once Spike pulled out, he could feel the warm trail of a drop of blood slither down his skin before a tongue pursued the refugee and then laved the wound.
The fingers pulled out and in the next heartbeat, he felt Spike slide in, arms around his waist pulling him back as the vampire stood behind him. He felt the familiar sensation of stretching and pulling before he adjusted to Spike’s size, and then each thrust came with the tingling of a fingernail running over skin. His thigh, his chest his stomach, he never knew where, he only knew that the pleasure of feeling Spike filling him, pushing against his prostrate and possessing him would be countered with the tingling pain of these scratches as he hung, helpless to do anything other than make impotent fists as Spike pounded into him.
He could feel his whole body alive, every skin cell announcing its presence and warmed by the stimulation, and he yelled, cursed, begged, whined, and demanded in words that the bit broke and turned into animalistic grunts. Spike sped up now, the scratches replaced by a bruising hard grip on his hips, holding him in place as Spike thrust harder and harder. Finally, a hand reached around and grasped Xander’s cock just below the head and all movement stopped.
Willing to do anything to continue this moment where nothing existed except need and passion, Xander thrust forward and then pulled back. Of course, in pulling back, he impaled himself on the hard, motionless cock behind him. He again forced himself forward into the hand and then back onto the cock. He sped up, slamming his body as hard as he could forward and then back until he felt his muscles start trembling, announcing the beginnings of release, and then he felt Spike take over again, hard strokes that pushed him into Spike’s fist over and over until he felt Spike’s release just at the vampire fiercely whispered “Mine” in his ear and plunged fangs into his claim mark, triggering his own release as he felt his cock twitch in Spike hand several times, the pleasure overwhelming everything as he hung limp.
He could feel Spike slip free of his body about the time he pulled out of his neck. Xander had to admit that Spike had the power to rearrange the world because Xander didn’t think he could even care about apocalypses or Girl Scouts as thoroughly sated as he felt. Spike lazily licked his claim mark, and he could feel the corresponding tremors go through his body. Hands tangled with his hair before releasing the gag.
“So, pet, does the club have sewer access?”
“Huh?” He stretched his lips, grateful that Spike had taken that out.
“The club, ya know, that place where ya use to work, they have sewer access?”
“Don’t really know, why?”
“Thought I’d stop by there and pick up my music,” Spike calmly announced.
“Uh, well…um,” Xander froze.
“Articulate as ever, pet. Where’d ya leave them?”
“How could you…”
“Oi, ya pressed so tight against me on that motorcycle that I could feel the CD’s even through the jeans. So, where they at? Locker? T’s office? Better not be with Carlos ‘cause I already cut that wanker slack once.” Xander thought about asking Spike to take off the blindfold so that he could watch for any homicidal activity, but then he decided he really didn’t want to see his imminent death.
“I gave them to Angel,” he admitted, and the hands that had been roaming over his body froze.
“Oi, you bloody well took that joke about 50,000 leagues to bloody far, ya pillock.” Spike complained loudly, but the hands resumed their aimless groping, so Xander assumed he wasn’t going to die soon. “So, ya like the practical jokes?” Spike hands disappeared, and Xander found himself increasingly worried.
“Spike?” he called without receiving a response. “It was before we had the …uh….talk about Angel and all,” he defended himself.
“Just remember, ya started this, and you’re makin’ me go to the pouf to get my music back,” Spike said in a slightly scary voice, but the hands that now put something around his waist moved gently.
“What ya doing?” he asked as he felt the thick material around his waist tighten.
“Gettin’ even,” Spike amicably responded. He felt cuffs close around his ankles and he could hear some ominous clinking. He tried to close his legs, not that it would make him any less vulnerable, but it might make him feel less vulnerable. Strong hands stopped him. “You’re not goin’ anywhere.”
“Okay, I know I went too far.” Xander went to stand and release the leash from the ceiling only to find that he couldn’t straighten his legs since some sort of chain connected the ankle cuff to the material at his waist. Oh shit. “Spike?” he called hesitantly.
“Wot? Don’t trust me?” came an amused voice, and Xander just knew that he was going to pay for trying to give Spike a reason to talk to Angel and Angel a chance to talk to Spike without feeling a need to threaten him. Served him right for getting into a family dispute he thought to himself as hands returned and pushed his knees apart again.
Xander didn’t fight as Spike arranged him and something slick touched his hole. He thought Spike was going for round two when the pressure increased until something rigid slipped in and settled with a pop. He could feel himself stretched, and he could also feel the pressure on his prostate when he moved. Hands now worked at the front of the waistband and he could feel lengths of something dangling over his genitals before being pulled through his legs and into his crotch. The tightness irritated him, but didn’t really bother him too much, but it did push the object in his ass farther in, making Xander Jr. struggle to respond even though it was physically impossible for him to react this quickly. Spike worked at the back of the waistband, and Xander suddenly had a pretty good idea what the vampire had done. He experimentally pushed, straining to get rid of the object lodged inside him and, sure enough, the pressure on his crotch increased, but the objected couldn’t move much at all.
“Isn’t this taking it a little far?” Xander asked as he realized how helpless he was, hobbled, hands secured, a butt plug up inside him and some sort of harness holding it in. And of course the blindfold, which he found more annoying than all the rest combined.
“Givin’ my music to my soddin’ sire was going a little far; this is justice,” Spike commented. Xander opened his mouth to complain again, but the bit slid back into his mouth, and he struggled to push it out before Spike could secure it. Of course he lost.
“Sewer’s a handy thing, pet. I’ll go see the pouf, then drop by Ajani’s and see how things are going. Need to make sure he knows I won’t challenge him.” Spike fell silent for a moment, and Xander couldn’t do anything except tilt his head in the direction he thought Spike stood. “Havin’ to get that wanker out of there made things a little tense. Having an older master make demands so quick, it’ll make him think I plan to ask for more. Might take him a little ‘takin’ over the nest’ gift to show him I’m not looking for anythin’ from him.” Xander groaned at the thought of being tied up for that long, so he could only hope that Spike was teasing. Not that he could do anything other than hope of course.
“Course, don’t want ya to get bored, pet. Saved this back last time I found your hidin’ place.” He could hear the familiar sound of the stereo opening and closing before the loud strains of Dead Kennedys assaulted his ears. If he hadn’t been gagged, he might have told Spike that he didn’t actually mind this particular CD, making it useless as torture. Either way, he didn’t have the choice now as he explored the surface of the gag with the limited movement of his tongue.
“One more surprise, pet,” Spike whispered in his ear and he couldn’t help but jump, which drove the plug farther into his prostate, which caused Xander Jr. to struggle to a sort of quarter mast. He groaned; his only hope of surviving was to keep still so his prostate didn’t get stimulated. He had almost forgotten Spike’s words when he felt a hand between his legs and suddenly the plug began to vibrate sending waves of pleasure through his body. Xander slapped his legs closed as he tried to deepen the sensation, pulling against the restraints and moaning loudly around the gag. Spike stood with a hand on his lower back for several minutes before the hand delivered one last sharp slap to his butt.
“Oh yeah, don’t tease the master, pet. I’ve had 120 years to develop tortures.” Xander could barely even register the words as he squirmed and squeezed his inner muscles in an effort to get more stimulation. “Have fun,” the vampire laughed as the sound of the hallway door opening and closing told Xander that he was on his own.
By the time he heard the door open again, Xander was beyond all thought. He had tried pulling his legs up and rubbing against himself, but he couldn’t get the right angle or enough pressure, so he had eventually given up. It took longer for him to give up trying to control the urge to move, but by the time the door came open, he twisted and squirmed and thrust and didn’t care how it looked. Almost instantly, he felt a hand at his cock, and he thrust forward wildly even as he felt a hand push the plug up into his body. He slammed himself forward just twice before he came harder than he ever had in his life.
By the time he had gathered enough brain cells to really pay attention to his surroundings, he lay in a hot bath with Spike washing him. He couldn’t concentrate enough to form words as the vampire picked him up and dried him before carrying him to bed. He didn’t even really remember falling asleep. He only knew he had fallen asleep when he started drifting back up into consciousness feeling incredibly relaxed. He felt as if he had overslept and Spike was already awake, a hand wandering over his curled body. Xander lay on his side, and he felt Spike press up behind him, a strong arm curling around his waist.
He sighed as he felt a hand run through his hair before smoothing it away from his face. Then Spike reached down and pulled his top leg up so the vampire could slip between his legs even as they lay on their sides spooning. He hadn’t realized that Spike had somehow managed to prepare him already until he felt Spike’s cock slip into him slowly. Once in, Spike waited a moment before slowly pulling out until only the head remained within in him. Despite the soreness, Xander felt Spike’s fullness rubbing along his prostate and a shiver of pleasure rolled through him.
He tried to thrust back, but a strong hand held him as Spike slowly moved in and out in a steady rhythm.
“You’re killing me,” Xander gasped as Spike rolled his hips and slid in again slowly.
“Ya don’t smell like your suffering.” Spike didn’t vary his unhurried pace. Xander grabbed Spike’s hand from his waist and tangled his own fingers with Spike’s. He didn’t know what had happened the previous evening, but this slow, soft approach certainly surprised him. He shuddered again as Spike pushed into him and started two sharp fangs over the claim mark.
“Suffered last night,” Xander half-heartedly complained. Even though he said the words, he knew that last night had been many things and suffering had not even entered the equation. In fact the equation seemed to be something along the lines of bondage plus sexy vampire multiplied by sexual frustration equals nearly earth-shattering and coma inducing orgasm.
“Oi, didn’t think ya minded. Fact, thought I might stage a repeat performance some time.” Xander groaned when Xander Jr. betrayed him by dripping at the very thought. Damn traitor. Spike just laughed and continued his slow movements. Spike’s hand slipped free of Xander’s embrace as Spike reached down to take pity by grabbing Xander’s cock as he speeded up. The two of them came at nearly the same time, and Xander noticed that Spike didn’t even bite him. Oh yeah, something’s wrong with his vamp, he thought. Ajani didn’t have the power to disturb Spike so much, so he made his best guess.
“So, what exactly did Angel say that caused this whole reaction?” Xander asked once he could breathe again.
“The pouf has nothin’ to do with it.”
“You’re lying, vampire mine.” Xander rolled over onto his back, wincing slightly at the soreness he discovered.
“‘M evil, pet. Supposed to lie.”
“You’re about as evil as…” Xander caught the expression on Spike’s face and quickly edited his statement. “As a tiger. A big man-eating tiger that rips people’s throats out.”
“Bloody right,” Spike agreed, his expression quickly becoming satisfied.
“Which is still not evil. Dangerous, not evil,” Xander pointed out, but Spike only glared. “And let’s stick to the subject, namely, what Angel said.” Spike lay quietly beside him for several minutes.
“He tried to take ya, pet.” Spike finally sighed.
“No he didn’t,” Xander began and then he remembered the dark vampire stepping into his personal space, staring him down. “Um, okay, maybe he did.”
“Ya didn’t know?” Spike turned gold eyes to him, and he couldn’t avoid hearing the disbelief in Spike’s voice.
“I really didn’t; I thought he was being an ass, that’s all.”
“Bloody hell.” He waited for Spike to continue, but the vampire simply reached out and pulled him close so that he now lay on his stomach, half on and half off Spike. Spike’s arms held him tight, so he settled down and wiggled his way to a comfortable position.
“Ya keep that up, and we’ll start up again,” Spike promised with amusement.
“Hey, human here. You start up again and death by fabulous sex is a very real possibility. My cock is sore, my backside is sore, and I’m a teenage male complaining that he doesn’t want more sex right now, so an apocalypse must be coming. And stop changing the subject. What’s up with you and Angel?”
“He told me he tried to take ya. Told me he told ya to leave me.”
“Oh wow, that couldn’t have been a pleasant conversation. He does still have all his body parts attached in correct order, right?”
“Oi, not goin’ to dust my sire, that’s Peaches’ style. ‘Sides, he said that ya wouldn’t budge. Said ya stayed loyal to me even when he called on the demon in ya.” Spike’s voice sounded strange.
“Okay, Spike, I know I can be a little slow, but why in the world would you ever think I might go to the broody Neanderthal when I want you?”
“He’s my sire, pet.”
“Yeah, covered that, but I’m obviously missing a couple of points because when I try to connect the dots into a picture, I’m coming up with abstract art.” He could feel Spike’s chest rise and fall as the vampire sighed.
“He’s older and stronger, luv. A vampire or even a vampire pet should always go to the stronger master.”
Xander couldn’t resist the urge to snort. “Yeah, right. Strong in that Cordelia can whip him into place or strong in the whole personality split thing or strong in terms of being jealous of you? I’m not seeing the whole ‘he’s stronger’ part of this conversation.”
“Jealous!?” Xander gasped when the arms tightened a little too much and the pressure instantly lessened. “What’d the tosser say to ya, pet?”
“He said that he didn’t like the fact that after you were turned, you still managed to try and create something where he just went around destroying.”
“Wanker pointed out my faults often enough. He’d wait ‘til I’d found something I might like, then he’d take it away, laughin’ and callin’ me weak.” Xander could hear the emotion in the tense voice and heavy accent.
“Angelus may have thought that, but Angel…Angel’s jealous that you control the demon better than he could. That makes you the stronger person… or demon in this case.”
“He said that?” Xander lifted his head and looked into Spike’s shocked eyes.
“Yep. It’s why I gave him the CD’s, so you two would have to talk.”
“Wanker,” Spike complained, but he wasn’t sure whether the insult was meant for him or Angel. The arms tightened again and Spike possessively declared, “Mine.” Xander didn’t even have to consider the answer.
“Yours,” he agreed as he lowered his head back to the muscled chest. “However ‘yours’ has to go to the bathroom.” He felt the chest rise and fall in another sigh.
“Bloody inconvenient human bodies,” Spike groused even as strong arms released him. Xander laughed and then headed to the bathroom. He was brushing his teeth when the unmistakable sound of a trumpet and drums filled the lair. He finished quickly and went into the main room where Spike had already dressed.
“New CD?” Xander asked with a nod toward the stereo shelf. He had to admit he liked the complex notes and the way that first one instrument and then another took main stage.
“Miles Davis,” Spike agreed. “Must be one a Angel’s; found it in the pile of CD’s he returned, and I’m not givin’ it back.”
“Pretty good,” Xander commented.
“Heard him in New York in the fifties or sixties, always did like him. Now get a move on, pet. We need to get goin’.” Spike finished lacing up his boots and turned to securing various weapons in his clothes and boots.
“Helping Ajani take down another master?” Xander asked as he got into the armoire and pulled out clothes for the day.
“Not this time. We’re going to see Peaches.” That stopped him in the middle of pulling on his pants, one leg in and one leg raised in the air. Spike’s snort of laughter got him moving again. “Talked to Ajani last night; seems like one a Cassidy’s minions got away with most of the mojo Cassidy’d collected.” Spike shrugged on his duster, and Xander hurried to button up his shirt. He really did dress faster back when he could throw on a t-shirt and then pull on a button up shirt without buttoning it, but the few t-shirts he’d brought had already disappeared.
“Oh god, please don’t tell me that means that someone is going to finish that whole enslaving all the vampires scheme,” he said as he sat to pull on his own boots.
“Think so, but Ajani and his minions can’t stop them, and we’re not goin’ in there alone, so, we go to Peaches.”
“What happened to the good old days when vampires just randomly killed?” Xander groaned as he finished and tucked his own weapons away. “Now it’s all end of the world this, enslave everyone that.” Despite his jokes, Xander could feel his stomach tense at the thought of someone using magic to enslave Spike or even Angel or Ajani. Before he’d worried about the power and damage a person could do with an enslaved vampire army. Now, he worried about the vampires.
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